March Newsletter

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We’ve had a makeover…

Welcome to our new look newsletter and you will soon see our new look website. The current website has worked well for us but does not communicate the key messages we want to deliver to consumers.

We also need to have a responsive web design so that the site is optimised for whatever device you chose to view the information and our new website will deliver this functionality. We are committed to transforming the housing market and education and information to consumers is a key part of this goal. It seems very few people disagree with the Lifemark™ Standards or the reason for including Universal Design features in their home or apartment design when these features are fully explained. The issue is people don’t know what they don’t know…so we are using social media and a new website to help bridge this knowledge gap.

The website will also contain a new and exciting innovative tool designed to empower consumers and we believe this could be a game changer. Watch out for more information on this new tool.

We will also be launching the new version of the Lifemark™ Standards in the next few months. The first standards were released in 2012 and the 2016 version provides an update and gives clarity to several areas such as kitchens and bathrooms regarding design options to deliver adaptable and accessible spaces. There have also been changes to take into account low, medium and high density developments.

The new standards reflect best practice globally, customised to the development requirements in New Zealand. These standards will be made available when we launch a new membership portal where members will be able to log on and submit and then track the status of their assessments online and even print certificates when the producer statement is completed.

These are exciting changes and will help us set our sights on the right goal of better housing for everyone.

As always please feel free to contact me on as we turn houses into homes for everyone.

Geoff Penrose
General Manager



Aouni Architects

Is accessibility a part of sustainable design and if so how important? This was the question new Partners Aouni Architecture asked themselves last month. Their conclusion was “very important” which led to Aonui Architecture becoming a member of Lifemark™. Not that they had ignored accessibility in the past. In fact their specialist green design practice has occupant comfort and well-being as a primary goal in designing resilience into their houses, schools, transport terminals, medical centres and commercial buildings.

The longer that a building owner can continue to use and enjoy their premises the better the economics and validity of that building become. For example, on a whole-of-life cost analysis a house that can serve a family and then continue to suit its elderly and perhaps infirm owners into their latter years is a win for not only them but for the community and the environment. As director Richard Wright says: “That is why Aonui joined Lifemark™!”


PLCProperty Lifestyle Concepts

Lifemark™’s latest Partners Property Lifestyle Concepts develop Lifestyle Villages with a strong emphasis on the community atmosphere of like-minded residents. Operating in Canterbury for the past 15 years, their three over 55/60 Lifestyle Villages are based on ownership by freehold unit title, where the purchaser retains full ownership of their home, allowing them to live in a village environment providing larger floor size villas, an onsite caretaker and clubhouse facility.

PLC Group have become Lifemark™ Partners because they see the importance of a longer tenure in homes, delaying the onset of any retirement facility requirement. To date, the company has developed the Freehold Lifestyle Villages in Kaiapoi, Burwood and Rangiora.


Since 12 January Lifemark™ have referred 37 Accredited Partners to people wanting to build Lifemark™ homes. Enquiries related to building in Hawke’s Bay, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Nelson and Canterbury.

Of these enquiries, two came from property investors and the remainder were enquiries about building a ‘forever home’ or homes to better suit family members: children or elderly parents. Two prospective homeowners were looking for Partners who had set Lifemark™ plans they could select from and Partners who provided modular construction.


5 years on – new Lifemark™ social housing units open in Christchurch
IMG_4454Five years on from the Canterbury earthquakes and regeneration is continuing to grow, with Christchurch City Council completing the largest social housing development of Lifemark™ certified homes since.

18 new units at the Harman Courts housing complex in Addington were built by Lifemark™ Partners Miles Construction to help replace those lost to the residential red zone following the earthquakes.

Councillor Andrew Turner, Chair of the Communities, Housing and Economic Development Committee, says: “The Council is rebuilding social housing that’s designed to meet the needs of the community over the long term. These units are warm, energy-efficient and ready to cater to the changing needs of tenants over their lifetimes.”

The homes meet specific design and accessibility standards to accommodate tenants’ changing needs and feature double glazing, wet-area showers, wider pathways and doorways, and higher wall sockets.


Lifemark™ homes for all ages and stages


Higham allen houseThis 5-Star Lifemark™ home belongs to Melanie and Jeremy Allen and their two young boys, aged six and three.

The Allen family, from Lincoln, Canterbury, used Jason Higham Architecture to design their dream Lifemark™ home.

They said: “We went to Jason Higham to design our home because we wanted more than a house, we wanted a home that would fit us now and into the future, that would be desirable to a wide market and felt open. When Jason talked to us about the Lifemark™ principles we knew by incorporating these we would have a home that absolutely fit our brief. The changes from a ‘normal house’ were subtle, but you can absolutely notice the feel, accessibility and flow of our home – and we love it!”

Jason Higham said: “Most homes out there are designed simply to suit current requirements and trends with little thought given to how they might work when there is a change in living circumstances. Whether it be the homeowners, extended family members or visiting guests, a home should be accessible and safe for everyone, and the Lifemark™ standards help ensure that.

“I believe Lifemark just makes good sense and I apply the principles in virtually every new home I design. By incorporating Lifemark™ right from the start it avoids expensive retrofitting later and also makes for a more attractive long term investment. Many of the features add little or no extra cost to the build, it’s just a smarter way of designing and building that everyone should embrace.”


WIN with Lifemark™ and Don Jamieson Architecture


_MG_8073Lifemark™ and Accredited Partner Don Jamieson Architecture have launched a competition to win a six copy subscription to HOME Magazine!

Don Jamieson Architecture design beautiful homes that meet the Lifemark™ Standards of adaptability, accessibility and safety, like the featured Aotea House.

Aotea House, a 5-Star rated Lifemark home, by Don Jamieson Architecture

To be in with a chance of winning this prize, simply ‘Like’ the Lifemark™ Facebook Page and answer the simple question from Don Jamieson Architecture here to enter. The winner will be announced in next month’s newsletter and on Facebook. (Competition now closed)

Don Jamieson said: “We’re teaming up with Lifemark™ to give away this fantastic prize to inspire those thinking about building a new home. We believe good house design incorporates both a sustainable approach and the incorporation of Universal Design principals. These considerations help create a healthy and safe home for the first occupiers and those who follow over the lifetime of the house. We chose to be a Lifemark™ Accredited Partner as their goals and values are very much in alignment with ours and because we find the work most rewarding.”


Website redesign and Standards update


websiteWe’re nearly ready to reveal our new-look website which, aside from being more pleasing to the eye, is easier to navigate and more interactive. A simpler but more responsive design means it’ll look great whether you choose to view on a smart phone, tablet or computer.

To accompany the website is an updated set of Lifemark™ Standards, which Partners can access on our new Partner Login. The new Standards have been modernised to match new technologies and products. More detail has been provided to better your understanding and for ease of application to designs and builds.

Innovative design by First Light Studio wins UNIpod competition


UniPodCongratulations to Lifemark™ Partners First Light Studio – deserving winners of the PrefabNZ UNIpod design competition.

The Wellington-based winners designed a UNIpod open-source universally accessible bathroom pod – designed specifically for multi-unit homes.

The UNIpod design had to conform to Lifemark™ Universal Design guidelines, regulatory bathroom standards for accessibility, incorporate services for an adjoining kitchenette, as well as being structurally sound and ultimately buildable – no small feat!

The winning design by First Light Studio

Adam Wakeford, Accessibility Consultant at Lifemark™, was on the judging panel ranking the anonymous entries.

Adam said: “It was a privilege to be invited onto the judging team. Right from the beginning I was impressed by the value and importance the judging panel put on Universal Design and the Lifemark™ Standards. This was clearly reflected by the quality and detail provided within the submissions. It’s amazing to see the winning submission cleverly incorporate our design standards while also managing to create a cost-effective product which future homeowners will be proud to show their guests.”

In the News

Lockwood Lifemark Accredited Plans (NZ)
Retirement Villages will enter Social Housing (NZ)
Creating a Dementia-Friendly Home (NZ)
Smartphone for Seniors (NZ)
Accomable Accessible Holiday Homes (UK)
Aging in Place Requires Forethought (USA)
Universal Design Allows Aging in Place (USA)
How To Continue Living At Home In Your Old Age (USA)


Lifemark™ Monthly Poll

Last month we asked: “Would you consider retiring overseas as an option?”
35% of you say that retiring in another country would be a consideration for retirement. Lifemark™ Partners Habita Architects are designing an 80-unit retirement village in Phuket, Thailand.

Would you look for accessible accommodation when booking a holiday? (Poll now closed)




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