Christchurch: Your City – Your Say

But, without your support the Lifemark Standards may not end up in the final City Plan…

Without the Lifemark Standard in the City Plan you will lose the benefit of well-designed homes as they will be harder to live in and less comfortable as your needs change over time. We will all lose the opportunity for Christchurch to build our homes back better than they were before.

Show your support for including the Lifemark Standards in the Draft Plan by emailing and say:

I support the inclusion of the Lifemark Standards within the draft City Plan for all new homes because…… (and include one or more of the following or put in your own reason for wanting improved housing)

  • This is our one chance to create a better City for us all
  • Lifemark designs will improve our homes without slowing down the rebuild
  • Homes that are future proofed will improve and preserve our health and quality of life
  • Homes built to the Lifemark Standard will save us money in the long term
  • Everyone deserves the right to homes that are safe, comfortable, easy to live in and meet our needs no matter what our age, stage or ability
  • We have an ageing population and if we don’t future proof our new homes it will put pressure on the health system and retirement sector costing the tax payer more money in the long run.

To find out more about the District Plan Review visit

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