Petition urges building access for all

Free and easy access to New Zealand’s buildings for all people, including the disabled and elderly, is called for in a new petition launched yesterday.

Greens MP Mojo Mathers, who is deaf, and members of the Earthquake Disability Leadership group have called on the Government to make accessibility to buildings – through either ramps, wide doorways or other features – a best-practice goal.

The gathering to launch the Accessible Christchurch petition was held at Riccarton’s Dux Dine restaurant which boasts a wide ramp entrance, wide doors and other wheelchair-friendly features.

Group convener Ruth Jones said it was formed in late 2011 to provide a “voice” for disabled people in the rebuild.

She believed that while authorities like Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (Cera) and the city council were taking their roles seriously, builders and designers also needed to be mindful of the needs of disabled people when designing and constructing buildings.

The petition, which will be circulated nationwide, calls for support for law changes that require builders and designers to include disabled-friendly features as a rule, not just an afterthought.

Mathers said it was “absolutely critical” there was full support for the cause.

“Accessibility is for everyone, everybody and everywhere,” she said.

“We risk losing an opportunity to get it right in Christchurch if we don’t take action now.”

Mathers will receive the full petition at Parliament in early December.

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