CCS Disability Action implores Housing New Zealand to consider Accessibility in $2.9 billion social housing investment

The Government’s $2.9 billion investment in new housing ignores the needs of New Zealanders with disabilities, says a leading disability organisation.

David Matthews, Chief Executive of CCS Disability Action said that many of the new houses being built for Housing New Zealand Corporation over the next three years would be inaccessible to disabled people, currently 20 per cent of the population and growing.

“Housing New Zealand Corporation seems to have little interest in ensuring their houses are accessible to those with disabilities. Only a small percentage of homes are required to use universal design principles to ensure they are accessible.”

In the last Census, 285,000 people said they had a mobility disability and 256,100 people said they had an agility disability. Mr Matthews noted that even allowing for an overlap between the two groups that was a lot of people, some of who would certainly need social housing.

Lifemark are keen to work with Housing New Zealand and their partners to help facilitate an easy and effective process for meeting the requirements of all Housing New Zealand Tenants.

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